Cignal Digital Cable TV Subscribe Now!

Cignal Digital Cable TV Subscribe Now!

Star Movies

An English movie channel that catered to most Hollywood movies, it also airs original series and miniseries, live events, concerts, and award-winning documentaries.

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Happy customer from Davao

Wherever you are Cignal Cable TV can serve you because you could watch your favorite program using the latest Satellite connection made possible by Cignal. Today I want to share with you a happy customer from Davao. Here's what Buchay said: "Before we went on vacation to Davao I had made arrangements in subscribing for Cignal Digital Cable for my mom’s house. I was lucky to make the application done here in Manila as I cut at least 50% of the coordination crap that they do for installation...

Cignal Application Form And Requirements

Download the application form for new installation here and prepare the requirements needed for the Cignal plan you want to subscribe. Before we proceed I want first to discuss the Terms And Conditions once you fill up the form and start using Cignal digital cable service. First there's a 24 months or two years lock in period.  Meaning you agree to pay for next two years for the cable service.  If for some reasons you don't want to continue, you will have to pay a reasonable fee...

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Another happy customer

See one of our happy customer recorded Cignal Digital TV in action.  Their review "This is a sample video of CIGNAL Digital TV.  My subscription is SD Package but you can see it's clear." More and more people now are switching to Cignal Digital Cable TV.  Watch the video below where Eya recorded their viewing experience of their Cignal TV. ...

Cignal Postpaid Plans

Cignal Postpaid plans are 490, 630, 830, 990, 1290 and 1590 all in HD. If you choose this plan you will get your Cignal kit for free. For the installation cost you will pay a minimum of P1000.00 and it may change depending on the location and materials needed. As for plan 1290 and 1590 HD, installation cost is offered as discount. Another thing you should consider is if you will have two TVs you would like to add a second box during the installation. If you ask to install the second box not on the installation day you will pay for it at a regular price of P1000.00 See all the tables below: NOTE:  Plans...

Cignal Subscription Plan And Installation Cost

Cignal have 3 subscription plans you can choose from. Namely Postpaid or the Residential plan, Commercial plan and the Prepaid plan. Each have a corresponding cash out before your Cignal kit will be installed. Cignal kit includes: A. Satellite dish - Antenna, mounting and peripherals B. RCA Cable C. 15 meters RG6 cable D. Remote control E. Cignal Card Learn each and every plan and decide which one you would like to subscribe. You should choose wisely like what channels you need most...

Friday, September 12, 2014

Cignal Online Application: We will call you shortly to confirm your installation

Kindly fill-up all the required fields below. Kindly make your contact numbers available for us to confirm your installation. Loading... For more details about the different Postpaid plans -->> Go her...

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Cignal Special Channels

You should check out these Cignal Channels if you want to subscribe for upcoming events like premium sports programs.   Most common are Basketball, Boxing, Football and many more.  Visit our blog more often to be updated with PPV and if you don't know the channels of your favorite TV program just check out this channel. SPECIAL CHANNELS SD Box HD Box CH LINE-UP 300 PREPAID 400 PREPAID 430 PREPAID 590 PREPAID 490 630 830 990 1290 1590  98 Cignal Channel x x x x x x x x x x 99 PPV SD x x x x ...

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